Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was awesome this year. Aunt Aimee gave me a toy!! I love chewing on it and batting it around to make the bells jingle.

I love rabbit footing stuff!

Hope you all had fun this holiday season and maybe something to chew on too.


The Lee County Clowder said...

It looks like that toy has some good nip in it, too, from the look in your eyes.

Hope you all had a great Christmas.

aimee said...

Hey, mom got us one too!


Buddy & Gracie

Mozie said...

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Have a good day

world4blogs webmaster - Yasser Moosa


Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy New Year 2009! Are you still blogging?

Berita Terbaru said...

sabi Metrolagu